Okay this is getting deep.
What you're talking about would be really easy to achieve with the Windows 95 ability to write custom fourth script for enemy type and for level which functions with the base AI for enemies throughout the game. That's where I started teaching myself this language a few years back. But that's a different topic. Very valuable good conversation, but it's Theory it's potential.
Looking at this code for a long time I've noticed numbers that relate to animation command, so recently you gave a little different perspective and it's opened my eyes a little bit more to what I'm reading.
Clt1 2 3 4.. attribute box 1 2 3 4.. okay
Clx y z.. already made sense and was obvious.
Below the modified line of code for the inventory type placing 16 in the first box and writing it with the exclamation point..
There are some familiar numbers 1,024, X form new system object.. but where is that pointed to... align or two down, 512 unconditional Branch to frame number, but where is the frame number listed or generated..
I have tweaked with my guard script pointing to different frames, and giving different range of frames for different actions so mine's going to be off from the typical but the nap graphic is supposed to land on frame 28. So if I have an unconditional branch somewhere the number 28's either being calculated generated or input.
if we go in the editor and we select a enemy look at the attributes the fourth box would be the frame number or value associated with animation command. We find 2,300. That is the handle of nap.vgr..
so that's not the 512 command taking us to nap.vgr it's the 1024..
I want to believe the 512 is a animation command, but it's followed by the plus symbol meaning some other value that is being generated is being added to it which is probably somewhere in the code pointing to frame number 28. Where it will stay and not look back into the solid animation. Similar to once he's dead he stays dead but if he's knocked out there's an amount of time and he Loops back to the star of the animation
Ok... so we can modify that number in attributes in the editor for each guard, so each guard could land on a unique handle or value number we put in 4th box..
So it is pulling the handle number from within the editor forth red box.. that box is the storage place we can modify it in the editor to point to a value required by animation command animation command is placed in the fourth code script.
So instead of command 4 1024.. command 68! 68 = 17408
spawn new animation
Guessing.. So if similar code was written when enemy is hit by Bullet or whatnot.. we could tell the script to find the handle number for the animation of Gore in the fourth Red Box..
In our enemy folder we place a FLD and Define it in the guard def document giving it a handle number within the range of enemy handle numbers.. and potentially we have graphic of Gore appearing spawning into the world. Falling to the ground leaving puddle of blood wherever enemy was shot.
But then again, the guard handle numbers cannot overlap handle numbers used in other folders they have to be unique although they are not defined an object text, the engine reads them. Perhaps in the fourth box we could put the handle number for a different animation or object found within the universe.
What I am visualizing is not only that a guard can spawn an animation or object, but that each guard could be programmed through the fourth Red Box to show his own unique outcome. And as they wander around all you would see is diversity. One guy bleeds a little one guy bleeds a lot.
If I can get this to work my next step would be trying to altered the fourth Red Box not through the editor but through the fourth script itself, because then based upon different action it could modify the fourth red box and there could be different animation spawn if enemy is Gib or if in me is caught on fire if enemy is shot.. otherwise each enemy only has one thing that they can spawn that is permanently attached to them through the fourth Red Box..
Looking at what we already did with the first Red Box, modifying it to the number 16 when existing through the editor is 5 makes me think it is potential to alter all of the four boxes through the script itself but if this is true and functional then the boxes and the editor are no longer necessary and putting information in them would be pointless. But all guards regardless of what set or level are going to be calling on the exact same handle numbers, so if handle numbers are not being called from the guard definition but from object text similar to my weapons auxiliary animations all levels would have to have a uniform handle number for whatever is called by the fourth script.
This is just Theory it's a wild guess. What I think could be difficult is programming the height at which it appears so that would have to be programmed into the animation script for the blood itself. But the location would it remain at the location where it's generated even if enemy walked away or would it follow the enemy location as it's being spawned at enemy location and in my location is attached to enemy and travels animation is it attached to enemy or location enemy was currently existing..
To simplify things let's say animation does not leave puddle on the ground and is just a brief flash of red, this should be very feasible but it would be cool if puddles of blood appeared all over the level wherever enemy was shot. I shoot him he moves a few feet I shoot him he moves a few feet leaving trail of blood that would be super duper cool.
So I'm going to set out trying to figure out how to implement something along those lines.
I don't know if it would feasibly work, as it's looking for a graphic or animation but command 68 creates a new object, that could be a gun falling. Similar to Doom the shotgunners drop a shotgun.